Apocalypse ASAP

There’s Nothing to Do Here So Instead I Watch Depressing Apocalypse Films

This recent wave of interest in the apocalypse really butters my toast.   The end of days is hot shit. The Mayans may have been wrong, but we’re still mesmerized by the footage of the meteor that recently dropped in on Russia. Even the average non-morbid person is enjoying the kinder, gentler version of the apocalypse in the form of dystopian stories such as The Hunger Games or TV’s Revolution.

I just saw Seeking a Friend for the End of the World starring Steve Carrell and Kiera Knightley, both of which I love. It wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t great, either – Kiera Knightley’s character was meant to be played by Zooey Deschanel at her most-annoying quirkiest; it felt like sitcom-version of Lost in Translation with the May-December romance.  Despite a few good moments, I was left feeling emotionally gorged and yet unsatisfied, like I had eaten three cartons of Panda Express on an empty stomach.

As a connoisseur of apopculture (see? SEE WHAT WORD I INVENTED?!?), here are my recommendations for media to enjoy that suck less than Seeking a Friend:  Continue reading